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Law of Attraction

Abundance. Inspiration. Transformation.
Within the magnificent Universe, many fascinating Laws weave their invisible webs, and it is fortunate that they exist. They manage and regulate the complex dance of the Universe without the need for assistance from anyone. The Universe is a master at balancing itself and does so thanks to powerful principles that govern the processes.
One of the fundamental laws governing the universe, is the "Law of Order". The Law of Order is like the invisible conductor that creates harmony, both among stars and planets, and in our lives. Think of it as guidance, a reminder that when you create order in your life, you open the doors to abundance and wealth.
Take, for example, finances - the more order you create in how you manage your money, the more you benefit the magnetic forces that attract financial prosperity. And here's a key insight: disorder creates chaos, and chaos attracts more chaos. Simply put, the Law of Attraction means that what you send out into the Universe comes back to you as a mirror image.
To deepen your understanding and apply these principles in everyday life, in your own life, we offer this simple, effective, and inspiring 25-part course.

Why not you?
Imagine the possibility of, with just a little knowledge and training, attracting the economy and lifestyle you dream of? Sure, perhaps you are already content with your current state, and if so, that's fantastic. But imagine elevating life to a whole new level of abundance and joy! Why not live a life without financial worries, without constantly repeating: "I can't afford it"? There is nothing written anywhere in the stars that says your lot in life is to struggle - all that may be required is just a little more insight into the Law of Attraction.

In this unique and highly practical course, you will learn everything you need to start transforming your life in a simple and entertaining way. Imagine, you can begin this journey today! The course offers a daily dose of lessons and aha moments over 25 days, a journey from A to Z.
To make it even more user-friendly, we include a workbook. It's a tool that helps you reflect on and work with each part every day. It's easy, educational, and above all, incredibly fun! You'll also receive the "Evidence Book." It's a tool so you can see, with your own eyes, that things are constantly happening to prove that you are on the right track. It's easy to become blind to all the positive things happening, but with the "Evidence Book," everything becomes clear.
Imagine that everything in your life is beginning to shift and align, orchestrating itself in such a way that the universe conspires to grant your every desire.
When you engage in this course, you open the door to a world where your life not only changes but where you become the creator of your own destiny. You become aware of the power within you and see the possibility of starting to live the life you truly deserve. It's time to make every day an adventure!
When do you want to start?
On the same day (during Swedish office hours) that your booking and payment are completed, you'll receive your first course part, part 1 of 25 - then you'll receive an email with a short lesson every day. (After the course, you'll receive the entire manual in PDF format.) You'll also receive an educational Workbook and the so-called Evidence Book! Everything you need to know will be explained to you - the course is very simple, effective, and fun! Duration: 25 days online.

Premium Program
Price: USD 85 / Value 150 USD
25 short course parts: The Law of Attraction from A to Z - one letter a day!
Workbook: Simple tasks and questions to answer so that the knowledge sinks in.
Evidence Book; an invaluable aid for attracting all the good things you want!
Consultation: 45 minutes on Whatsapp with Marita, a deep dive into the Law of Attraction specifically tailored to your life.

About MB Nova
Founded in Sweden by Marita Bladh. Est. 1999. Tax and VAT Registered
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